5 advantages of being freelance

Advantages to being freelance

Is true that the pressure on self-employed or Contingent Employment workers is much higher than that of workers employed by: Your customers are not fixed (with few exceptions), have to walk always in search of new business opportunities, do not have paid holidays and the fees and expenses are certainly high.


However, the self-employed, enjoy many advantages that, without hesitation or a second, the adventure of being freelance is worth being lived.


1) Work on what you really like. It is an important step, because you can mark an important milestone in your career. If until now you have worked for other companies and feel excited to work directly for your customers, perhaps this is the time to start. Being freelance, you will create a profession completely adapted to your knowledge and why not, your new aspirations.


2) You will be able to organize your time as you want. The organization is a virtue that must go hand in hand with any jobs. If you make a schedule for you, the wind will blow in your favor: aprovecharas best time and you will have many more hours to devote to training, your hobbies and your family.


3) More family conciliation. And after a good organization comes the ability to reconcile. It is not true that we honor him working more hours and earn more money. What usually happens is that by having less time, we organize ourselves better and we are able to enjoy much more of the time that we spent with the our. Just trying seriously to make it so.


4) Instalaras your home office. Sometimes it is not possible, but some professions (architects, artists, writers, commercial, etc.) can be performed from any place in the world, with a simple computer as a tool. If you have space at home and you learn to separate your personal life from work, install your office there may be able to help you make better use of the time: avoid displacement and you will not have to pay for the rental of an office in the center.


5) You will grow professionally. Working can be learned, but the challenges faced as a freelance daily are a real test of fire. We are confident, because to us it has happened, that by working on your own you will learn - your only - to better manage your life, to know what it is and what is not a priority and, ultimately, to the maximum of your profession.