Part-time work

What is part-time work?

Work fewer hours than full time (usually working fewer days). Part-time workers represent 25 percent of all workers in the United Kingdom, 80 percent of whom are women. Part-time work is when a worker is hired for fewer hours than the full-time basic ones.

A part-time worker is someone who works fewer hours than a full-time worker. There is no specific number of hours that makes someone full-time or part-time, but a full-time worker usually works 35 hours or more per week.

Advantages of part-time

These are some of the advantages that Contingent Employment can allow:

  • Part-time employees can often structure a program that allows them to spend more time with their families, either working only a certain number of days per week or setting their own schedules.
  • You can save a lot on daycare expenses if you are at home with your children when they return from school, for example, which can make part-time work an ideal economic and family solution.
  • You can have certain benefits that a freelance or self-employed person does not have.
  • Work can be less stressful because you can have less responsibility and do not take homework.
  • You will have the freedom to engage in a hobby or interest in something else, or just spend more time relaxing, concentrating on household chores, etc. If your children are in school full-time, the part-time can free up your week to dedicate their time exclusively to them.
  • Some people who work part-time spend their free time to start their own business, write a novel or do other things that improve their future prospects, while still having important income.
  • Many couples conclude that having a father who works part time, while the other works full time is a good solution.
  • The part-time worker comes to spend more time with her baby, while contributing to the family economy and the maintenance of some kind of career.